Monday, June 11, 2012

Mile High To Do List

Hey Y'All,
I am back from a quick weekend trip to WI, where I got to see one of my younger cousins graduate from high school. I can't believe that she is old enough to be done with high school and is off to college in the fall. Congrats to her and her family!!!

Now that I am back home, I want to get started on my to do list in order to get ready for the upcoming school year. I have a million ideas running through my head, so I'm having a hard time getting started. I feel like my to do list is a mile high (only slightly overwhelming... okay a lot overwhelming!!!). I have decided that if I get through at least one item a day, then I will be in good shape when the school year starts.

Before I went off to WI, I started hitting up garage sales for children's books. The first 10 sales had ZERO books which discouraged me but I kept plugging along. Garage sale #11 had two bins full of books for 25 cents a piece! I flipped through and ended up with a pile of 20 books (including an almost new looking hardcover copy of Chicka Chicka Boom Boom)! I am so excited to see the kinders dig in and start reading them! Organizing and creating a library system is definitely on my to do list. Any recommendations? I plan on continuing to garage sale hop over the summer to build up my library.
Look at all those fun books!!!!!

Hope everyone is having a fantastic summer so far (or end of the school year for some of you)!!!
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Thursday, June 7, 2012

Taking the first step...

I am so excited to write my first blog post ever! My name is Melissa, and I will be starting my teaching career this fall in a kindergarten classroom. I have been dreaming about having my own classroom since I was in kindergarten. I was totally that kid that made stuffed animals my students, asked for school supplies (even during the summer), and played school all the time. I can't wait to get started and make my dream a reality!

Over the last few months, I have been blog hopping, gathering tons of ideas, downloading wonderful teacher creations, and getting ready for my first classroom. I am hoping to share my successes and of course learn from my mistakes. Thank you for joining me on my blogging journey! I look forward to sharing some of my precious kinder moments with you.