Thursday, June 7, 2012

Taking the first step...

I am so excited to write my first blog post ever! My name is Melissa, and I will be starting my teaching career this fall in a kindergarten classroom. I have been dreaming about having my own classroom since I was in kindergarten. I was totally that kid that made stuffed animals my students, asked for school supplies (even during the summer), and played school all the time. I can't wait to get started and make my dream a reality!

Over the last few months, I have been blog hopping, gathering tons of ideas, downloading wonderful teacher creations, and getting ready for my first classroom. I am hoping to share my successes and of course learn from my mistakes. Thank you for joining me on my blogging journey! I look forward to sharing some of my precious kinder moments with you.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to blogging and teaching. Both are such exciting adventures. If you ever need anything, please let me know and I'll see if I can help. =)

    Heather's Heart
